Impact Report 2022

From the Director

To be truly visionary we have to root our imagination in our concrete reality while simultaneously imagining possibilities beyond that reality.

— bell hooks

Dear Friends,

As we wrestle with the myriad of social and political issues around us, I am empowered by our community, which is now more vital than ever. Whether we explore an aspect of Oregon Jewish history, look at the artwork of a local artist or delve into a lesson about the Holocaust, our work cannot flourish without your support. I welcome my conversations with you and I cherish your innumerable efforts that help OJMCHE to do better every day.

OJMCHE thrives. And it will continue to thrive. My hope is that this 2022 Impact Report, reflecting our work through June 30, 2022, fills you with the same pride that fills all of us daily at OJMCHE. You inspire us to focus on reality and on “imagining possibilities beyond that reality.” We want your dreams to become our reality and we look forward to continuing this work together.

Judy Margles


Thank You 2022 Donors!

Oral History, Collections and Archives

Interns and volunteers provided valuable assistance working alongside Anne LeVant Prahl, curator of collections and Alisha Babbstein, archivist. New and notable initiatives included the launch of a Works on Paper Collection, (WOPC) to add the work of Oregon Jewish artists to our fine art holdings and a partnership with Co/Lab locally and the Council of American Jewish Museums nationally to record the voices of younger Jewish Oregonians involved in community building both inside and outside of existing Jewish community structure.

Education Highlights

  • OJMCHE educators offered 60 professional development workshops, connecting with 1,700 teachers throughout the state.
  • Nearly 10,000 students accessed OJMCHE’s digital education resources.

Education Highlights

  • OJMCHE’s Speakers’ Bureau gave 68 presentations to 6,300 students and adults.
  • OJMCHE educators connected with teachers and students in 25 of Oregon’s 36 counties.


Support OJMCHE

A donation guarantees that OJMCHE will continue to be a thriving community resource. Please know that our gratitude for your support is immeasurable.


Thank You 2022 Donors!

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